• Capacity Development Provider
The Youth Entrepreneurship Programme "Bizniz in a Box" is a project underway in select local townships and villages where CCBSA, together with partners, is running a competitive process to source youth who compete for the opportunity to operate and eventually own their own spaza shop.
  • Stages of Support

    • Idea
    • Start-up
    • Early
    • Growth
    • Mature
  • Nonfinancial support delivery mechanism

    • Mentoring
    • Classroom / seminar training
    • Cohort or group support
    • Peer to Peer / Network-based Support
  • Nonfinancial Support

    • Access to networks and partners
    • Marketing support or market research
    • Business strategy and planning
    • Financial management
    • Needs assessment
    • Technology development or adoption
  • Intervention Type

    • Provide nonfinancial services to entrepreneurs directly
    • Provide financial support to intermediaries
    • Promote and educate about entrepreneurship
  • Sectors of Focus

    • Information and communication technology
    • Wholesale and retail trade
  • Stakeholder or Business Model Focus

    • Women entrepreneurs
    • Rural communities
    • Gender inclusion
    • Youth entrepreneurs
    • Urban communities
    • Minority or previously excluded population
  • Impact objectives

    • Access to education
    • Capacity building
    • Community development
    • Employment generation
    • Income/productivity growth
    • Access to information
    • Equality and empowerment
    • Access to financial services
  • Verticals

    • FinTech