• Bank or financial institution
Royal Fields Enterprise Development Programme provides specialised short-term funding to SMEs and start-up ventures. The focus is on SMEs that are unable to raise funding from banks and other traditional funding institutions because of lack of trading history, security and risk capital.
  • Stages of Support

    • Idea
    • Start-up
    • Early
    • Growth
    • Mature
  • Nonfinancial support delivery mechanism

    • Mentoring
    • Classroom / seminar training
    • Direct Consulting Services
  • Nonfinancial Support

    • Access to networks and partners
    • Business strategy and planning
    • Financial management
    • Due diligence
  • Investment Instruments

    • Debt
  • Intervention Type

    • Provide nonfinancial services to entrepreneurs directly
    • Invest Directly
  • Sectors of Focus

    • Infrastructure / facilities development
    • Sector agnostic
  • Impact objectives

    • Employment generation
    • Income/productivity growth
    • Access to financial services