The Community Transformation Accelerator Program fast tract economical growth within communities by focusing on the development of Fast-moving consumer goods SMEs, whilst the Community Transformation Programs focus on long term sustained transformation. The objectives of the Accelerator Program are:
•Business Systems Development: Support 35,000 FMCG SME's with technology and an operational business management.
•People Skills Development: Develop 105,000 retail business owners and employees of the FMCG SME's in retail and management skills.
•Business Growth: Growing the customer base of 35,000 FMCG SMEs as well as participating Brands such as Heineken; Old Mutual, and other participating consumer brands.
•Buisness Support: Develop and equip 1,000 unemployed graduates as Business Development Facilitators (BDFs).
Stages of Support
Sectors of Focus
Hospitality & tourism
Nonfinancial Services
Capacity development services
Market linkages
Capacity development services
Access to networks and partners
Business strategy and planning
Performance or impact measurement and management support