• Corporation or Corporate Foundation
GE has increased its efforts to create partnerships with key stakeholders and build a sustainable supply chain in localized areas. For this reason GE has adopted an approach of taking local small and medium sized companies from potential to qualified suppliers as a GE differentiator on the African continent. By adopting this approach, GE South Africa (GESA) has taken a strategic decision to building a sustainable commercial partnership with small businesses.
  • Stages of Support

    • Idea
    • Start-up
    • Early
    • Growth
    • Mature
  • Nonfinancial support delivery mechanism

    • Mentoring
  • Nonfinancial Support

    • Leadership development
    • Marketing support or market research
    • Business strategy and planning
    • Financial management
    • Needs assessment
    • Value / supply chain development
    • Legal, accounting, other office services
    • Product certification
  • Intervention Type

    • Provide nonfinancial services to entrepreneurs directly
    • Provide financial support to intermediaries
  • Sectors of Focus

    • Energy
    • Health
    • Manufacturing
    • Supply chain services
    • Infrastructure / facilities development
    • Transportation
  • Stakeholder or Business Model Focus

    • Social enterprise
    • Women entrepreneurs
    • Minority or previously excluded population
  • Impact objectives

    • Employment generation