• Capacity Development Provider
The Tholoana Enterprise Programme is implemented by Fetola and funded by SAB Foundation. It empowers promising black, women and youth owned businesses to succeed through an intensive two year programme of workshops and training, e-learning, mentorship, brand development, media and marketing assistance and access to funds as well as a wide network of like-minded peers.
  • Stages of Support

    • Idea
    • Start-up
    • Early
    • Growth
    • Mature
  • Nonfinancial support delivery mechanism

    • Mentoring
    • Classroom / seminar training
    • Direct Consulting Services
    • Cohort or group support
    • Peer to Peer / Network-based Support
  • Nonfinancial Support

    • Leadership development
    • Access to networks and partners
    • Marketing support or market research
    • Building HR capacity
    • Business strategy and planning
    • Financial management
    • Performance management
    • Value / supply chain development
    • Sector development
    • Due diligence
    • Technology development or adoption
    • Media exposure
  • Intervention Type

    • Provide nonfinancial services to entrepreneurs directly
    • Provide financial support to intermediaries
    • Promote and educate about entrepreneurship
  • Sectors of Focus

    • Sector agnostic
  • Stakeholder or Business Model Focus

    • Social enterprise
    • Women entrepreneurs
    • Accessibility
    • Rural communities
    • Gender inclusion
    • Youth entrepreneurs
    • Minority or previously excluded population
  • Impact objectives

    • Capacity building
    • Employment generation
    • Income/productivity growth
  • Verticals

    • None