• Corporation or Corporate Foundation
EARN Biz Support provides business training, coaching and mentoring in order to equip the entrepreneurs in all sectors with the necessary practical business skills. It further provides all the business support services to businesses so as to allow the business owners to focus on the core function of their businesses.
  • Stages of Support

    • Idea
    • Start-up
    • Early
    • Growth
    • Mature
  • Nonfinancial support delivery mechanism

    • Mentoring
  • Nonfinancial Support

    • Leadership development
    • Access to networks and partners
    • Business strategy and planning
    • Due diligence
    • Investor matchmaking
  • Intervention Type

    • Provide nonfinancial services to entrepreneurs directly
    • Promote and educate about entrepreneurship
  • Sectors of Focus

    • Sector agnostic
  • Stakeholder or Business Model Focus

    • Youth entrepreneurs
  • Impact objectives

    • Capacity building
    • Employment generation
    • Income/productivity growth
    • Access to financial services